Root Canal Dentist

Endodontics Root Canal

Root canal treatments have advanced highly in the last few years. Not only is it a completely painless procedure and the last resort to save a badly hurt tooth, but we are now able to do this procedure in less than an hour.

Root canal treatment is the go-to method for saving damaged or infected teeth, when decay or damage has reached the pulp, or inner tissue, of the tooth.

It offers many patients a way to avoid extraction and retain their natural teeth.

What is a Root canal?

Root canal treatments allow us to save teeth that might otherwise need to be extracted because of damage or infection.

They treat the tissue inside of your tooth (dental pulp). Dental pulp swells or gets infected through tooth decay or trauma .

Having a root canal means having the damaged or necrotic tissue removed, the canals sealed, and the tooth filled with a bio compatible material to prevent future problems.

  • Decay has reached the dental pulp (the living tissue inside the tooth).
  • Infection or abscess have developed inside the tooth or at the root tip.
  • Injury or trauma to the tooth.
  • Extreme dental pain.

If you think you might have an infected or damaged tooth in need of a root canal, you should make a dental appointment to have it checked out. Some indicators that you may need a root canal or other dental work include:

  • Pain when eating or chewing.
  • Swelling of adjacent tissue.
  • Swelling of local lymph nodes.
  • Heat and cold sensitivity.
  • Discoloration of the tooth.

If you need root canal therapy, sedation dentistry can help you feel more relaxed throughout your visit. By using sedation dentistry, you won’t be bothered by noises or movement and you can feel at ease the entire time. When root canal therapy begins, your dentist will make sure that you are ready and comfortable.

Once the area around the tooth is completely numb, your dentist will work to carefully remove all signs of decay and infection from the tooth. He will then remove the dental pulp, seal the canals, and prepare the tooth for crown or restoration.

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